Welcome To RuiLingPAY

We are a leading credit card processing company, with expertise and experience in meeting the unique needs in past decade.If you’d like to discover how our PCI-compliant credit card payment processing solutions can help you take your business to the next level, schedule a free consultation with our merchant services team today.

who we are

We are a Hongkong-based Payment Processor, who offer cutting-edge credit card processing systems designed specifically for on-line credit, mail orders and phone orders for those who are turned down by other processors by providing customized solutions and personalized customer services for every facet of payment processing.

what we do

  • Applying an Account

  • Customer Compliance

  • API Interface

  • Transactions and Monitoring

  • Settlement

why Us

Don’t lose another sale because of late settlement, unstable channels and unpredictable capital risks. Accepting credit cards with us will give you the confidence to growing business without hesitation.

our key features

Our Advantages